Publicações de 2014
- Bernard, A.M. ; Hilsdorf, A.W.S.; Amorim, A.F.; Domingues, R.R.; Shivji, M.S. Development and characterization of thirteen microsatellite markers for the longbill spearfish (Tetrapturus pfluegeri). Conservation Genetics Resources (Online), 6: 169-171.
- Mantelatto, F.L.; Pezzuto, P.R.; Masello, A.; ROSSI -WONGTSCHOWSKI, C. L. D. B.; Hilsdorf, A.W.S.; ROSSI, N. Molecular analysis of the commercial deep-sea crabs Chaceon ramosae and Chaceon notialis (Brachyura, Geryonidae) reveals possible cryptic species in the South Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research. Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 84: 29-37.
- Hallerman, E.; Hilsdorf, A.W.S. Conservation genetics of tilapias: Seeking to define appropriate units for management. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 66: 1-18.
- Simbine, L.; Silva, J.V.; Hilsdorf, A.W.S. The genetic diversity of wild Oreochromis mossambicus populations from the Mozambique southern watersheds as evaluated by microsatellites. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30: 272-280.